Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India

By Team Legal Helpline India, October 5, 2019


For availing the services of Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India, forward us the facts, legal grounds and relevant documents on our mail, the same would be evaluated by the Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India and our team will get back to you.

For online legal advice please furnish all details on mail, we will depute the expert lawyer instantly to interact on nominal professional charges.

Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India

Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India is the lawyer who provides the legal services at the Supreme Court of India. He provides all services of filing Public Interest Litigation or PIL as we call it before the Supreme Court of India. As the name suggests, he first of all, examines the legal grounds being raised by the petitioner in the PIL before the Supreme Court of India.

The examination and scrutiny include considering all the legal grounds,  the statutory provisions and the legal provisions for the challenge of the particular provision of law for the violations being done by the government.  The lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India has a great role to determine the nature of statutory or legal violation being done and to establish the same through the constitutional provisions thereafter seek a remedy of either quashing the same or seeking a modification of the impugned action being done by the authorities of the state. 

Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India has the greater responsibility of first determining the maintainability of the public interest litigation or the PIL in Supreme Court of India as the same is filed invoking Article 32 of the Constitution of India. As we know that Article 32 of the Constitution of India postulates 5 types of writ petitions before the court which are considered extraordinary constitutional remedies.  He has to determine what kind of remedy the petitioners should seek for invoking Article 32 of the Constitution of India in favour of the petitioner.

Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India has to first draft the representation to be made before the authorities or the communication to be issued to the authority concerned. The Lawyer for the Supreme Court India has to specifically point out the specific violations and to assert the fundamental or legal rights of the Petitioner before the Court. Once the representation is made and the time frame as described in the representation elapses he has to draft the PIL in very specific and clear terms and to determine the violations being done by the authorities. The facts are to be stated very clearly and openly in the PIL before the Supreme Court of India and nothing relevant material should be concealed.

As we all know that for filing a PIL one has to first show his locus standi for filing the PIL. He has to first establish as to how he has the locus standi to file the PIL in Supreme Court of India and in what manner he is connected to the subject and the relief being claim. In this regard, a comprehensive study of the rules for PIL in Supreme Court of India should be first read by the petitioner.  If the petitioner is not in a position to explain the same, the supreme court will dismiss the PIL in the Supreme Court of India instantly on the ground that the petitioner has no locus. The petitioner has to also explain why he is filing the petition before the Supreme Court of India instead of the High Court if the matter relates to some violation. This is a very important and crucial work to be undertaken by the Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India.


Another very important aspect which is undertaken by Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India is to prepare the entire paper book of the PIL for filing the same before the Registry of the court for scrutiny. As per the practice the Registry of the Supreme Court of India scrutinizes the PIL in Supreme Court of India as per the rules and the parameters laid down for filing of PIL in Supreme Court of India and then fixes a date for a listing of the said petition before the Supreme Court of India.  Once a date is fixed for hearing of the PIL in Supreme Court of India the role of Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India starts and he has to prepare the PIL for arguments pointing out all the statutory violations and the judgements and law in his support to establish the factual metrics stated in the PIL in Supreme Court of India. 

This is a very important adjunct for a Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India to establish the entire facts before the court and to convince the court to consider the petition and issue notice to the respondents and pass any interim orders or related orders for at the time of admission of the PIL in Supreme Court of India.

As the court admits and issues a notice to the other party on the PIL in Supreme Court of India, the lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India has to ensure the service of notices on the respondents as per the directions of the court.  After the service of the notice is completed on the respondents, the petition is placed before the court for hearing and the role of Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India becomes very important as he has to finally argue and convince the court on the subject matter of the PIL in Supreme Court of India. The matter is thereafter decided by the Honorable Supreme Court in the PIL and directions if required are issued for consideration for compliance by the authorities concerned.

Since the aforesaid process involves a lot of involvement of a Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India he has to be very diligent and particular in taking up the matter before the Supreme Court of India and to vigorously follow the same to its logical conclusion.  This also involves a substantial cost of preparing and filing the PIL before the Supreme Court of India and taking the services of an Advocate on Record for getting the same listed before the Supreme Court of India.

It is observed that most of the people rush to Supreme Court of India for filing of PIL on various issues which are not worth consideration by the court and the entire subject matter is just destroyed due to adverse orders by the Supreme Court. One has to be very cautious in taking up the subject and proceeding in the matter of filing any PIL before Supreme Court of India unless it is well established that the same is valid on various legal parameters of PIL before the Supreme Court of India.

We have in house team of Pro Bono lawyer for PIL in Supreme Court India who can take up the drafting and filing of PIL in Supreme Court of India with confidence and excellent results on nominal charges.  


For seeking evaluation of the subject matter of the PIL in Supreme Court of India, please submit in brief the facts, legal grounds and the related provisions. Our experts will provide online advice on the matter. We also provide services of expert lawyer for all the services on nominal charges depending upon the involvement and filing cost.

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