Divorce Law Firm Delhi

By Team Legal Helpline India, December 4, 2017

IMPORTANT: Online legal services of divorce by Divorce Law Firm Delhi.

Online legal services on all divorce matters.

Legal Advice through video conferencing by experts on all divorce matters.


Divorce disputes are major family disputes now a days. Divorce is based on the personal laws of the individual. Amongst Hindu, Divorce is under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1956 whereas in Muslims it is under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act. For Christians, it under the Indian Divorce Act. In case of inter religion marriage or the marriage under Special Marriage Act, the divorce is under the same Act.

Divorce law firm Delhi is formed by a group of highly qualified and competent lawyers to provide various legal services in Delhi. The services we provide are related to divorce as well as related family disputes with quality and confidence for excellent results.

Divorce law firm Delhi having a pool of highly qualified Divorce Attorneys who are in a position to provide best legal services for all matters related to divorce, judicial separation, restitution of conjugal rights, maintenance, permanent alimony and other matrimonial and family disputes in India.

Law firm providing the services of competent and highly qualified Attorney for filing and defending divorce proceedings before Family Courts, HMA Courts, Divorce Courts, Civil Courts, High Court, Supreme Court of India.

Expert Divorce lawyers online for instant online legal advice services in the fields of divorce laws in India.

Online legal adviser for divorce matters for pre paid legal advice through e-mail, legal chatting, on call advice, video conferencing on all matters related to divorce and family disputes.

All legal services related to divorce and all other matrimonial disputes such as restitution of conjugal rights, judicial separation and all other such related matters.

For various legal services related to maintenance, Stridhan, permanent alimony, cruelty in matrimonial disputes in India.

For all services under one roof related to matrimonial disputes, domestic violence cases, anti dowry cases under Section 498A of IPC, Anti Dowry Act.

All legal services related to custody of child, visitation rights.

All legal services of drafting, filing of divorce petition and defending divorce petitions before the Family Courts and all other forums.

Legal services for filing and defending transfer petition in Supreme Court of India for transfer of Divorce cases by Supreme Court of India from one state to another and from one court to another.

Divorce lawyer in India for drafting, filing and defending divorce case on behalf of husband.

Divorce lawyer in India for drafting, filing and defending divorce case on behalf of wife.

Legal services for filing and defending Domestic Violence Act cases, maintenance cases in India.

Being a strong Divorce Law Firm Delhi we have  in-house team of highly expert, qualified Divorce lawyers who can provide best services in the fields of Matrimonial laws in India.

In India divorce laws are governed by the personal law of the individual i.e. his religion and the community to which he belongs hence the applicability of the divorce laws vary from individual to individual.

Divorce laws in India are thus contained in Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Special Marriage Act for Hindus which contemplate the divorce laws, maintenance laws and the alimony laws as applicable on Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Boddh and other communities of Hindu religion.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 govern the divorce and other matrimonial disputes under the Muslims in India.

Special Marriage Act governs the divorce matters arising out of inter religion matters under the Indian laws.

Grounds of Divorce in India:

Divorce on the grounds of cruelty.

Divorce on the grounds of adultery.

Divorce on the grounds of desertion.

Divorce on the grounds of conversion.

Divorce on the grounds of unsoundness of mind.

There are other grounds of divorce under law but the above noted are the main grounds taken in most of the cases.

How divorce is taken by a Muslim Women?

A Muslim Woman can take divorce under Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939.

What are the grounds of divorce in India?

The main grounds of divorce in India are cruelty, adultery, desertion besides several other grounds.

How divorce on mutual consent is filed?

Divorce on mutual consent is filed by both the parties jointly giving their consent and the same is granted within six months.

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