High Court of Delhi has come down heavily on the concept of “Span Period” as prescribed by India Universities thereby restricting the years in which a student can acquire his degree. High Court of Delhi while considering a bunch of Letter Patent Appeals filed through
Court has drawn a parallel with universities outside India which impose no restriction of time limit on the course opted by the students. Court is of the opinion that any person in his life can come back to resume his incomplete course at any point. This becomes very relevant in the Indian context as several students are forced to abandon their studies midway due to social economic and financial reasons. This view point of court is dynamic; keeping in view the changing concept of skill acquiring by a person in his life. Court has also issued a direction to the Ministry of HRD in this regard which is the apex body taking all policy decisions for universities in India. Ministry of HRD has been directed to consider the aforesaid observations of the court and come out with clear guidelines in this regard.
Court has however depreciated the act of the Registrar of the University of Delhi in issuing the said notification which is a subject to be delved by the Academic Council. Court further directed the consideration of said matter by Academic Council of the University in its collective wisdom.
Mr Umesh Sharma, Advocate built the entire case on behalf of the aggrieved students has taken the matter to a logical end by his efforts and this judgement with go a long way in helping the students who are unable to complete their courses within the prescribed period i.e. the Span Period as termed by the University of Delhi. This judgement will also seek a review of the archaic concepts still followed by the Universities without considering the changing scenario of education on the globe. It is expected that the University of Delhi will come out of the colonial hangover and consider the matter with open mind keeping in the mind the service to the students who enrol themselves adding skills in their career and have been denied the opportunity by quoting whimsical norms of the University.
For more Details visit : Delhi University Span Period Judgement