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 Will is a testamentary document, the testator or the person who executes the will has to execute the will very carefully and cautiously so that there is no ambiguity and complexity in the matter after his death. The main subjects which are required to be covered under the will are the specific details of the properties owned by the testator. It is always better to seek legal advice and, if possible, get the will drafted by an experienced lawyer to give legal effect to the document. This approach not only ensures that the will is comprehensive and legally binding but also provides a sense of security and peace of mind to the testator.


This deed of will is executed at ——————- (give the name of the place on this ————– day of —————( give the date) by Sh.————————————————————————————( name of the person executing  or the Testator) resident of ——————————————————————————-( give the residential and permanent address of the testator) aged around ————- years, hereinafter called the Testator.

Life is short and uncertain; God knows when it may come to an end. At present, I am in sound and disposing mind. I fully understand what is right and wrong. I with my free will, without any force or compulsion from any corner in any manner, make this deed of will in order to avoid any litigation or unpleasantness after my demise. This is my last and final will and any will executed earlier shall stand canceled or modified by this will.

Whereas the Testator is the owner of the following movable and immovable properties——————————————————-( Give comprehensive details of the entire movable as well as immovable properties owned by the testator)

In order to avoid all disputes that may arise after my death, I hereby devise and bequeath that the said properties with all my rights, titles, and interest therein as under: Any other person besides the above-said beneficiary shall have no rights, title, or interest therein of any kind whatsoever. I have executed this will of my own free will and without any undue influence, or outside pressure and being in full possession of my faculties of sense and being fully aware of all the aspects of the present will.

IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the Testator named above has signed this will on ———————— day of ——————————-, at —————————————————————————————–in presence of following two witnesses who have attested the same after I have executed the same.







The above format is only a suggestive format which can be downloaded free and used.

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