• Consumer Notice free format for Free download drafted by Online Indian lawyer

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    Online legal advice on all consumer disputes 


Regd AD/Speed Post/BY Hand Date

( Give here the name and address of the seller, service provider)

Sub: Notice against defective goods/deficiency of services by you.


The undersigned is a consumer as defined under Consumer Protection Act-1986 as we have purchased the (goods/services) from you vide your receipt dated ————–by paying an amount of Rs—————–

The said product/service is not up to the mark due to the following defect:

(Describe the defect in details under the consumer notice)

The above said act on your part has caused us great loss and damage besides mental tension, trauma and inconvenience and loss of value of money. You are hereby asked to replace/refund the said goods/services immediately within one week of receipt of this notice failing which the undersigned shall be free to launch legal proceedings against your act of unfair trade practice and deficiency of services and shall seek the refund the amount already paid to you with interest and damages for which you shall be liable.

This consumer notice may be treated as the last and final communication on the issue as I have already suffered a lot due to your deficiency.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


1) Consumer notice should be sent through registered post only either Registered AD or Speed Post and the proof of dispatch, receipt should be retained for future references and proof.

2) The name and address of the service provider as mentioned on the receipt should be clearly mentioned while sending the consumer notice.

3) The name and address of the consumer should also be mentioned specifically on the consumer notice.

4) If the service provider has a website, portal and complaint section, please register the same content on the said portal as well.

5) Consumer notice can be issued against defective goods, non providing of services as well.

This is only a suggestive draft of the proposed Consumer Notice free format , you can get specific drafts from us online on nominal costs immediately.

Send the details of the facts leading to the dispute on contact us page of our website along with all supportive documents.

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