General Power of Attorney Lawyer India

By Team Legal Helpline India, December 26, 2014

IMPORTANT: We have in house expert General Power of Attorney Lawyer India for drafting and vetting of legal documents.

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Brief discussion on GPA or General Power of Attorney by expert General Power of Attorney Lawyer India

GPA or General Power of Attorney as the name suggests is an authorization by any person to another person to do and perform certain acts. It is drafted General Power of Attorney Lawyer India or a legal expert. GPA or General Power of Attorney can be executed for any act or deed with regard to any activity or any property which can be movable as well immovable. Main misconception about GPA or General Power of Attorney is that it confers legal title to the person in whose favor it has been issued. Strictly legally GPA or General Power of Attorney does not confer any transfer of title or ownership rights as it is a general authorization to do certain deeds and acts. In common parlance we find two types of power of attorneys being issued first is GPA or General Power of Attorney and second one is SPA or the Special Power of Attorney. There is a difference between two attorneys which can be explained as under:


GPA or General Power of Attorney is a legal document through which owner of a property, right authorizes a person to perform certain acts and deeds on his behalf. The person in whose favor the GPA or Power of Attorney is given is called agent and the person who executes the Power of Attorney is Principal. He is given general powers with regard to the acts and deeds on behalf of Principal. Power given to the agent under GPA or General Power of Attorney are general and cover all aspects of activities, the agent is supposed to act on behalf of principal which bounds the principal through his acts. A GPA or General Power of Attorney is often considered as a document through which owner appoints agent to perform powers as an owner on behalf of the owner himself in his place. In Delhi General Power of Attorney is issued for transfer of the properties and most of the transactions of transfer of property is through GPA or General Power of Attorney only and are admitted even by statutory authorities, courts etc. The title scenario in Delhi is very complex as most of the properties are owned by several government agencies who have lease out the same to various persons. The said persons do not have right in their independent capacity hence the novel way of transferring rights has been devised through GPA or General Power of Attorney.

Special Power of Attorney which is referred to as SPA in short has different legal connotations and it is issued for a specific purpose only and the person in whose favor the SPA is executed can only perform the acts mentioned under the SPA and nothing more than. Most common example of SPA is the when the owner issues it to a person for taking or handing over the possession of a property or for applying for grant of a particular paper like NOC or license.

Under Indian laws GPA or General Power of Attorney requires authentication under Section 85 of the Indian Evidence Act. Registration of GPA or General Power of Attorney is not mandatory under Indian laws.Power of Attorney can be registered by presenting before the Registrar. Registration of the GPA or General Power of Attorney gives more authentications to a document and the said document is treated as evidence under law.

A GPA or General Power of Attorney is generally revocable under the Indian laws except in cases where the same is a security for any debt. For revocation of a registered Power of Attorney a deed of cancellation can be executed and for an authenticated Power of Attorney, a written communication is sufficient.

Provisions regarding GPA or General Power of Attorney is contemplated through the Power of Attorney Act. The relevant provisions which can have a joint effect on entire law related to the Power of Attorneys in India are contained in Section 3 of the Specific Relief Act, Section 5,40,15 A,55 of Transfer of Property Act and Section 82 (1 A), 2,69,70 of Indian Succession Act.

NOTE: As a Law Firm Delhi we have experts for drafting and vetting of legal documents; online advice on legal documentation. Call our board No. 9-11-2335 5388 for urgent requirements or mail us through contact us page of our website.

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5 thoughts on “General Power of Attorney Lawyer India

  1. my massi lives in canada she is citizen there she has to file civil case here in india so she send me her power of attorney duly attested at canada apostile by department stamped there in canada by indian Consulate .it has copy of citizenship card attached and and attessted but here in Punjab this power of attorney is not embossed by department as it has not attached with it copy of passport whether this power of attorney is valid for filling civil case or my massi will hve to attach her passport so that it may be embossed in punjab India

  2. I would like to know that in GPOA. The lawyer who prepared General POA, can he and his assistant sign as witness for the same GPOA? The person who is executing GPOA side witness is not there? An NRE has been cheated away with property.

  3. My b-in-law is sick and he would like to grant a power of attorney to his wife on matters related to property and financial transactions (bank, pension, etc.) They are located in Gurgaon.

    Would you be able to draft one and what would be the cost? My b-in-law is unable to travel so someone would need to go to his apt. to get his signature.

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